Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Only in this country

"With Nigeria all things are possible". This is a slogan I have devised to laugh off the frustration that one can live with in this country. I mean, can you beat the paradoxical reality of happiness and frustration; suffering and smiling (as Fela puts it), the absurd mingling of hope and despair. These predicates can persist but no further than the resilience of the masses that make up the larger population of the country.

An election is planned. It usually takes a term of four years from one election to another yet one is fully dumb funded by the unpreparedness and logistical blunder that greets every election. We can not exhaust all the anger and frustration that marked the last deliberate thwarting of the last elections. Should we not have learnt our lessons from that and work towards a hitch free elections? Well, it seem we never learn. We seem to sit and expect that some how, by some workings of fate we will end up with a great, free and fair election that will please Nigerians and the International community.

If that be not the case, then we may have to turn to the belief that the "usual-devil " acting behind the scene is at it again. Take a moment to think about this. It was first the shifting of the election date to the following Monday due to election materials not delivered on time by the contracted vendor. Before that Monday the whole calendar was rescheduled. Now, the messages keep getting mixed and we are not sure what is happening within the body responsible for the supposed running of a smooth election.

Only in this country can a few hold the most captive to their ugly machinations. May be we should continue to believe these people and follow them blindly. It is time they start speaking the truth. The much secrecy and mix messages make me doubt the delivery of a credible elections. We can either get up as a people and start questioning the polity (i.e. is the appropriate thing to do in a democracy) or in our usual "take them for granted" sit and watch.